Saturday, November 1, 2008

A list for a master's thesis topic on the Chinese Economy over next 10-20 years

Dane Disimino forwarded me his Q&A "Can you suggest a master's thesis topic on the Chinese Economy?" It is a great question. I am glad to share with Dane what I would like to know for a win-win strategy and mutual benefits for the US, China and beyond.
  1. helping Chinese speed up the learning curve of the 'know-how' to manage their modern infrastructure being built over last 20 years? [Strategic Planning: Business opportunities after 2008 Beijing Olympics]
  2. helping China grow middle class - One Forecast: by 2020, 54% of population [700 million] will be China's middle class from current 6% [80 million] IF current stability and prosperity can be sustained. [China’s middle class reaches 80 million by An Hodgson on 25 Jul 2007 ]
  3. cooperation and engagement with China as the best way to integrate China into the prevailing global system
  4. can China provide leadership on energy issues? ["China is the hope of the world for the 21st Century. China is in a unique position in time to provide leadership on energy issues - and without such leadership, there is huge risk to our current civilization worldwide." - I am inspired by one of my mentors. You agree ?]
  5. feasibility study on establishing international youth entrepreneur foundation in China
  6. Fostering a culture of charitable giving in China